Please note that a probe disconnecting and reconnecting is generally speaking normal - keeping a long-lived TCP connection up all the time is not simple; you may have a network problem at home, we may work or have issues on the controlling infrastructure, or any other event in between.
Granted, there are more of these event nowadays because of ongoing work on the infrastructure; probes are often shuffled back and forth between our servers. Besides the fact this causes the events you highlight, and can cause notification emails, this is not a reason for concern.
“SOS” is a feature which is mostly aimed to indicate if the probe has a working network connection ot begin with. It is just a ping packet towards a specific DNS name, where we capture the DNS request. It is sent when the probe firmware starts up, therefore it is perfectly normal to see these while the probe is disconnected.
I agree that some disconnects and reconnects are normal, and seeing it disconnect for stuff like PPPoE or DHCP renewals is expected.
However, seeing longer disconnected times while I’m 100% sure the actual connection at home is ok points to an issue on Ripe’s infra side. This makes be a bit wary since the actual probe can not be trusted to give info on the actual reliability/quality of the network it’s attached to, but shouldn’t impact with other measurements the overall platform provides.
If that kind of connect/disconnects cycle is expected from the current work going on, then I guess that’s all needed to know. Thanks once more!
No reply since when you asked me to send the hardware probe to the Netherlands. Which I did about 12 days ago. And I received no new probe. Did you receive it? The postal service in France said it has arrived in the Netherlands (last check on the border exchange when it reached the Dutch postal service), but does not indicate that it was delivered.
I fear it is lost now… So I paid the postal delivery cost and the required postal packaging probably for nothing.
I received today a new probe by postal mail. But just after I registered the probe ID, I plugged the cable to the micro-USB connector. And it was instantly detached from the internal motherboard: No trace of soldering, it was just clipped on it.
This is a defect from your manufacturer, and I don’t know how to repair it, I don’t have the hardware to make a surface soldering with very hot air, soldering flow; and anyway it would require breaking the black plastic box which is permanently clipped and glued (there are no screws).
I cannot power it on. So I cannot use it at all.
I’ve already sent you back the previous probe that was no longer wrking for unknown reason (probably an incorrect internal software update or configuration, making it impossible to reach your infrastucture at the configured address). But I cannot test it now with the new probe due to its hardware problem. The previous probe also had a problem with the microUSB plug (which was no longer detachable from the cable). This micro-USB connector is problematic, very fragile, and its mounting requires inspection, especially here with the surface soldering (and it was a known problem with many smartphones or devices in the past, before it was changed to USB-C).
In this case here, no pins were damaged at all. It was just lack of soldering when mounting it on the motherboard (probably using too much “flow” solvent, incorrect dosage of tin, or excessive pumping of the excess or excessive use of hot air, or incorrect regulation, of temperature: surface soldering requires precision and is not easy to do manually without a good experience and the correct tools and monitors, normally it should be done automatically in a good factory, but if not this requires manual mechanical and electric testing and visibly this was not done at all in your factory, or was performed by untrained people).
But noticed it’s been disconnected for 62d now, I have attempted to reset the device (nanopi-neo-plus2 fw: 5080) with no success, it appears to have power.
My probe (50834) seems to have also died couple of months ago (was not checking it often). Card is booting but NIC seems to be faulty (does not register to my network anymore).