Probe keeps disconnecting and reconnecting with no changes made

We made some changes this morning that should have stabilised the system. Let us know if you’re still experiencing issues after the weekend.


on my probe #62520 the situation seems back to normal since 27/07/2024 1500 CEST.

However some other probes, for instance 1008470 (a friend of mine) still had issues til 30/08/2024 0800 CEST. Since then however, the stability has improved. This seems to be around the time you pushed the updates to enhance stability.

We’ll keep monitoring it and keep you posted.

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It was quite stable for 10 days, but today the probes redisconnected for several hours.
Probe exemples (just to name a few):
I know for sure that these are false positives as these sites were reachable and had connectivity.
So apparently the issue is not solved yet.

We had another issue yesterday owing to a faulty controller. You can follow the status update here: