How to Optimize IPv6 Deployment for a Medium-Sized Network?

Hello guys! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I am currently involved in planning the deployment of IPv6 for our medium-sized enterprise network. We have made some progress, but there are still a few challenges and uncertainties I am facing. :upside_down_face:

Could anyone provide guidance on how to optimize IPv6 deployment for a network of our size? Specifically, I’m looking for advice on:

  1. Best tips for IPv6 address planning and allocation.
  2. Configuring dual-stack environments effectively.
  3. Ensuring compatibility with existing IPv4 infrastructure.
  4. Security considerations unique to IPv6.
  5. Monitoring and troubleshooting IPv6 performance.

I also check this : Best Current Operational Practice for Operators: IPv6 prefix assignment for end-users persistent vs nonpersistent and what size to choose ripe network coordination cesalesforce developer But I have not found any solution. Any tips, resources, or experiences you can share would be incredibly helpful.

Thanks in advance :heart_eyes:

Respected Community member
Deniz Can :hearts:

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Hi Deniz,

I found this post very useful.

I also looked at this

Hope that helps.


Hi Deniz,

These are all very broad topics that need to be discussed separately. However, here are some articles that you can read about them:

You can also check this article to understand the importance of assigning persistent IPv6 addresses: Is Your ISP Constantly Changing the Delegated IPv6 Prefix on Your CPE Router?

“Configuring dual-stack environments effectively” is another broad topic. Maybe you can explain more about what you really want to learn. As a general guide, I can say:

  1. While enabling IPv6 for the dual-stack network, implement equivalent IPv6 security policies.
  2. Be aware of IPv4 scarcity in your network, as dual-stack may not help much with this, depending on your network design (NAT usage, number of ports assigned per user, etc.).
  3. Assess your network to identify areas that need IPv6 support. Make a list of the features you use in your current IPv4 network and identify the missing features for IPv6.
  4. If you are enabling IPv6 for your servers, ensure that DNS servers have both A (IPv4) and AAAA (IPv6) records.

Please keep in mind that this is just a non-exhaustive list of recommendations.

You can also refer to this comprehensive document from ARCEP (France Electronic Communications Regulatory Authority): How to Deploy IPv6 (March 2022)

Finally, you can refer to our e-learning courses to learn more about IPv6 fundamentals and security topics:

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There is interesting information here, I would like to be able to implement it but the problem is having a place that needs it and building it little by little.

Design your address plan in a hierarchical way to allow for easy aggregation. Use /48 prefixes for each site, which is generally recommended for enterprises, giving enough flexibility for subnetting. A /64 per subnet is the IPv6 standard, as it allows for automatic configuration (SLAAC) and other benefits.