My "nanopi-neo-plus2" probe is detected as "disconnected" since 2 months, but it is active

My probe is detected as disconnected since 10 october.
I son’t know what is happening (I have no access to its internal logs, there’s no system to test if it is working).
I was just notified again by email saying that it had 0% availability on last month of December (jut like in November, and also at end of October) but I don’t know the cause.

It has NEVER been disconnected.

I tried to unplug and replug its Ethernet cable to force it to reset several times. The two LED are active. But it is active (and pinging it from local host works. I can also ping it from the Ethernet (e.g. via my smartphone).

And there’s not been any change in network configuration.

So most likely it was remoty updated with a dysfunctional firmware (or a missing firware update where you changed some protocol that RIPE servers now is expecting).

Architecture: nanopi-neo-plus2 (original built and provided by RIPE)

Your probe offers NO interface I can use, I can only check the online status with the link above.

According to your probe link, it actually says
|x|Time Connected|Percent|
|Last Week|4d 21h 42m|70.06%|
|Last Month|4d 21h 42m|16.35%|
|All Time|2y 218d 6h 29m|84.51%|

So, it is working… Not working “full time” is your bug…

Hi Philippe,

I just responded to a ticket you opened on Zendesk. Would you like to continue discussing here?

