Hi All!,
is there probably any workaround to build whois in Windows?
i’m running “mvn clean install”, and it stucks with generating Byaccs:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec (default) on project whois-rpsl: Command execution failed.: Cannot run program “src\main\parser\bin\generateByaccs” (in directory “C:\Users\BCNC\Telefonica\Telco_router\whois_windows\whois\whois-rpsl”): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified → [Help 1]
it seems reasonable, as the project has no Byaccs for Windows:
“case” operator:
case $OSTYPE in
but there is no file named “yacc” for the case “*)” in there:
Does it mean it’s not possible to build the project in pure Windows?
Need whatever flavour of Linux or there could be some workaround here?